Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Palem in collaboration with Institute of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderbad has organized Training cum Method Demonstration on SOPs of Drone Applications in field crops under NABARD funded project at seminar hall of KVK, Palem on 26.09.2022. In this program Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem) invited dignitaries to the dais and briefed about the program. The program was chaired Dr.M. Goverdhan ( ADR, RARS, Palem) spoke about the Role of Drones in Agriculture, it is the newly emerged Technology farmers should aware about the new cost reduction Technologies in Agriculture. Dr. P. Raghurami Reddy (PS & Head, ARI, Rajendranagar) stressed on recommended Chemicals, desired dosage & desired time only should be used in drones. While using the drones farmers must & should use at least 16 liters of spray fluid per acre this will allow the proper coverage of crop canopy. Dr. M. Ram gopal verma (PS, Entomology-Rice) presented standard operating procedures, do’s and don’ts, compatibility and combination of pesticides usage in field crops. Drone spray should be taken up morning hours from 6 to 7 A.M. and evening 4 to 6 P.M. only. Dr. Kiran babu (Scientist-Pathology) presented compatibility of fungicides, usage of fungicides in paddy and Dr. Spanda bhatt (Scientist-Agronomy) presented usage of drones in Direct Seeded Rice and herbicides application. After that method demonstrated was organized to showcase the practical utility of Drones in Agriculture. In this meeting scientists of KVK, Palem and a total of 68 farmers have participated.